Tuesday, October 10, 2017

1.  Define Aspect Ratio
~ Aspect ratio is an indicator of the proportional relationship of the width to the height of the screen and is depicted with the expression x:y, where x equals the number of units wide and y equals the number of units high.While the physical size of a display screen can vary, the aspect ratio remains constant
2.  List the aspect ratios for the following formats:
    • 10" tablet (9.7" display)
  • 4:3
    • Smartphone (4.7" display)
  • 16:9
    • Leaderboard Ad
  • 728:90
    • HDTV 16:9
  • 16:9
3.  Explain the difference between Interlaced & Progressive scanning.  Embed an image(s) that illustrate each. 
~ Interlace scanning is used to minimize bandwidth use and flickering where progressive scanning is consecutively scanning lines of the picture from top to bottom, just as you type on a typerwriter. 
  • Image result for interlaced vs progressive

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