Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Assignment 4.3

define the Rule of Thirds and the Golden Ratio. Tell me about the difference between the two.
Rule of thirds: The rule of thirds is a compositional tool used to produce visually appealing images using asymmetrical balance. With the rule of thirds, the area of an image is figuratively divided into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, to produce a three by three grid. 

  •      Image result for rule of thirds

Golden Ration: approximately  ratio of 1.618

The rule of thirds deals with a whole different design theory. The rule of thirds instead is a way to place elements with in a design as a way to control where a viewers eye will travel and what they will see when golden ration is described as "two quantities are in golden ratio if the the ration of the sum of the quantities to the larger one equals the ratio of the larger one to the smaller one. It's about about proportion and the size and placement of one element compared to another.

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