Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sound Bites, Stand Ups (as related to broadcast news production), Narration , Natural Sound(Atmosphere or Ambient Sound) and Foley (you'll need to research some of these). 

  • Sound Bites- a short extract from a recorded interview, chosen for its pungency or appropriateness. a brief catchy comment or saying

  • Stand Ups- standup is when a television reporter appears in front of the camera to narrate part of a story – most often at the beginning to set up the story, or at the very end.
    Often the standups and voice-overs are read from a script the reporter has prepared beforehand.
  • Narration-  voice over recorded separately from the video it is describing
  • Nutural Sound-  sources in their normal soundscape. 
  • Foley- relating to or concerned with the addition of recorded sound effects after the shooting of a film.

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