Monday, October 30, 2017

1.  Why should you avoid using autofocus when doing videography?
  • You should try to avoid using autofocus because it could focus on something else in the frame or be unable to stay focus in complex subjects. 

2.  When is using the autofocus acceptable?
  • Autofocus is acceptable when you have good lighting or when you dont have a lot of movement.

3.  What are the 4 steps to properly set your focus manually when shooting a static subject (such as an interview)?
~Compose your shot and also make sure the camera is set to MF mode
 ~Zoom in as far as you can on subjects eye
~Adjust the focus control until the eyes are sharply in focus. 
~Move quickly back and forth in smaller sweeps can help you better identify the sweet spot for accurately.
4.  What does the term "rack focus" mean?
  • the practice of changing the focus of the lens during a shot.

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