Monday, October 30, 2017

1. Describe the steps for adjusting the white balance on a camcorder or digital film camera.
  • If your camera has a filter whee, make sure you are using the correct filter for the lighting conditions.
  • Point your camera to a pure white subject, so that most of what you're seeing in the viewfinder is white. Opinions may vary on just how much white needs to be in the frame but we've found that about 50-80% of the frame should be fin. The subject should be fairly matte, that is, non-reflective.
  • Set your exposure and focus.
  • Activate the white balance by pressing the button or throwing the switch. The camera may take a few seconds to complete the operation, after which you should get a message  in the viewfinder.
  • 2. Describe the steps for adjusting the manual white balance on a DSLR 

    1. GET NEUTRAL ---> You will need a neutral target in order to set a proper custom white balance. Basically you are telling your camera, "Here this is a neutral target, base all color rendition off of this."

    2. PHOTOGRAPH YOUR TARGET----> Set your camera to Program, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, or Manual if you are comfortable enough.  Getting a proper exposure of your target is critical.

    3. GET INTO THE SCARY MENUS OF YOUR CAMERA----->Looking at all the options and confusing words in a DSLR camera menu can be a little intimidating for a beginner.  You certainly don't want to mess something up and not know how to change it back.

    4. SET WB TO "CUSTOM"------> Don't forget even though you have told your camera to measure a custom white balance, you need to SET your camera's white balance to "Custom/Preset"

    -Remember that light temperature changes as the day goes by and the sun starts to set.  Different artificial/indoor lighting sources will also have different color temperatures. 
    -Fill your frame with the target you are using. 

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